Campus Police


The Southern Crescent Technical College Police Department would like to encourage anyone who has become the victim of a crime to seek assistance as soon as possible after the incident. We strongly encourage victims of any crime or emergency to report such incidents to law enforcement as soon as possible. For reporting or emergency situations please use the contact information listed below:

Non-Emergency: 770-228-7381

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm and Fridays 8am- 12 noon

Contact Officer on Duty

Griffin Campus: 770-883-6032
Flint River Campus: 678-603-8070
Butts County Center: 678-603-6918
Fayette County Center: 678-603-9942
Henry County Center: 678-603-5609
Jasper County Center: 678-603-5948


Fire Department911
Police Department911
(For your local area)

Safety Tips

    Report to campus Police
    • Immediately report any crime, suspected crime, or suspicious circumstances/persons to campus Police/Security, day or night.
    • If you observe criminal activity or suspicious circumstances/persons, call campus police or 911 and attempt to provide identifying information such as:
      Person – Name (if known), sex, age, height, weight, clothing, apparent condition, and any other identifying information.
      Auto – License number, make, model, color, outstanding characteristics (rust, dents, etc.), or special features.
      Property – Complete description, serial number, Operation I.D.
    Take your possessions with you
    • Never leave personal property unattended in your classroom.
    Park smart
    • Park your car in a well lit area. Always lock your car. Do not leave CD’s, personal information, or valuables in plain sight. Lock them in a trunk or keep them out of view.
    Safety on social media
    • Be careful when leaving status or away messages online and when using the “check-in” feature on Facebook or Foursquare. Leaving information about your whereabouts reveals details that are accessible to everyone. Use common sense so that someone can’t track your every move. If you wouldn’t give the information to a stranger, then don’t put it on your online profile.
    Be on guard
    • Wait to let your guard down until people earn your trust. A college campus can foster a false sense of security. Don’t assume people you’ve just met will look out for your best interests; remember that they are essentially strangers
    Trust your instincts
    • Trust your instincts and be yourself. If you feel unsafe, or even uncomfortable, in any situation, go with your gut. Don’t worry about what others think; your own safety comes first.
    Utilize your cell phone
    • Use your cell phone as a tool. Make sure it’s fully charged before you leave home. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, shoot a quick text for a “friend-assist.” Make a plan before you go out just in case your phone dies, so you can meet up with your friends at a specific location at a certain time.
    Your safety comes first
    • Don’t be afraid to hurt someone’s feelings. If you find yourself in an unsafe situation it’s OK to lie. Make up an excuse as to why you have to go. It’s better to make up a reason to leave than to stay in a possibly dangerous situation. Your safety comes before someone else’s feelings.
    See something, say something
    • If you see something, say something! Intervene if a situation seems questionable or if someone’s safety is at risk. By taking action you can prevent a crime from being committed. Remember you can also contact your resident assistant or campus police.
    Saftey in numbers
    • Stick with your friends, and watch out for each other. Arrive together, check in with one another throughout the night, and leave together. Think twice about going off alone and if, for whatever reason, you have to separate from your friends, let them know where you are going and who you are with.
    Be aware
    • Be aware of your surroundings. Whether you’re walking home from the library or at a party be mindful of potential risks. Get to know your campus and learn a well-lit route back to your dorm or place of residence. Think of a safe exit strategy. Are there people around who might be able to help you? Is there an emergency phone nearby?

Lost and Found

Lost or Found property? Contact the Officer on Duty or call 770-228-7381.

Note: Property not claimed within a timely fashion is subject to being disposed of as allowed by current Georgia law (OCGA 17-5-54).

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